Monday, February 19, 2007

gone fishing

It is with some sadness that I shut down this blog. I originally intended this space to be the home for a conversation among 30-something single women. While being single can be difficult at times considering the predominance of the married lifestyle as we get older, there also seems to be a growing trend toward acceptance and celebration of the single condition. Being single in your 30s is a lot less entertaining than being single in your 20s, but also a lot more complicated and interesting in many ways. I had hoped to explore some of these ideas here, but it was not to be. After inviting over 50 women to participate and being unable to begin a dialogue, I've accepted this project as a lost cause. Perhaps women don't like to talk about being single. Perhaps akin to the old maternal threat that if you keep making that face it will freeze that way, women hesitate to embrace a state from which they hope to decamp. If someone stumbles by who is intrigued by this site and would like to attempt a resurrection, please feel free to e-mail me at the address to the left.
À bientôt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Singly Blessed,

I have been looking for a group like this as well. A forum or blog where single women may share the ups and downs of being single. Do continue to post when you have time.
