Saturday, January 13, 2007


The Seattle Weekly sex & love advice columnist Judy McGuire (a.k.a. Dategirl) is soliciting input for a book she's writing. If you have any thoughts on the questions below, you might want to share them with her. Or you could just share them here.

  • What are some of your more shallow dealbreakers? For example, I loathe cargo pants, men who do yoga and the phrase "it is what it is." Is there anything kind of minor about a person that would turn you right off? We're not talking a second head or physical deformity, just a little something.
  • Have you ever gone out with someone whose manners just killed the whole deal for you? Maybe a super-hot girl who chewed with her mouth open? Or a litterbug?
  • What's the most inappropriate thing anyone has ever said to you on a date? For me, this would have to be the guy who went on and on about how hot his mom was and how he'd always been attracted to her. What about you?
  • How about those overly "honest" people who are, in actuality, just kind of mean. Ever date one of those? If so, which of your flaws did they point out? How did you react?
  • Ever date someone who acted as though they were doing you a favor? One dude (who was older than me!) informed me that he normally dated women much younger than me. Thanks, Jackass!
  • Did you ever go out with someone specifically to get back at someone else? Erm, not that I've ever done that.
  • "Are those space pants you're wearing, 'cause your ass is outta this world!" What's the worst line you ever heard? (That's mine, though sadly nobody ever used it on me.)
  • What about cheapskates? Any good cheapskate stories out there?
  • Have you ever had a horrible first date that eventually turned into something good?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

As far as shallow deal breakers go, I only have one thing to say: air guitar. (Why do they do that?) It is without a doubt, one of the biggest turnoffs....